Quick Access:
Our classes are held from mid-February through to November each year on Monday's and Wednesday's in Revesby.
Members are required to respect each teacher or assistant teacher and take on board any tips, tricks, and feedback provided due to the different strengths each teacher holds. As teachers, we want to help you achieve your goals no matter how big or small they may be.
Class attire is The Heights Physie club gear or black fitted gym clothing. Hair is to be tied neatly away from the face in either a ponytail or ballet bun. Bare feet or socks are acceptable during terms 1 and 2, however, all members are required to wear split sole ballets from term 3 in preparation for competitions.
Class Information
The 2025 Physie year commences Wednesday 12th February.
Our classes can be paid for either annually or by term and range between $5 - $10 per week depending on your age.
Revesby Community Hall | Macarthur Ave, Revesby NSW 2212
7:30 PM
8:30 PM
Revesby Community Hall | Macarthur Ave, Revesby NSW 2212
4 - 8 years
4:00 PM
4:45 PM
9 - 12 years
4:45 PM
5:45 PM
13 - 16 years
5:45 PM
6:45 PM
7:00 PM
8:00 PM
8:00 PM
9:00 PM
Extended Ladies*
7:00 PM
9:00 PM
* Extendes Ladies are combined with the Ladies and Seniors classes
Age Groups
Physie is a sport that boys (up to the age of 10 years), girls and women are able to participate in, whether it be for exercise, or to curb your competitive nature. Physie is broken down in to junior, senior and lady age groups.
Junior Age Groups
EP Petites - ages 3 and 4 years
5 to 16 years
Compete according to age as of 31st August
Senior Age Groups
Intermediate Seniors
Members aged 17 - 20 years for a maximum of 4 years
Open Seniors
Members aged 21 years and above and move on at their discretion
Lady Age Groups
Ladies progress through each age category depending upon previous physie experience (e.g. no previous experience starts in Elementary Ladies)
Elementary Ladies
Members aged 18 years and above for a maximum of 3 years
1st Year Ladies
Members aged 18 years and above for a maximum of 3 years
2nd Year Ladies
Members aged 19 years and above for a maximum of 3 years
Extended Ladies
Members aged 19 years and above and/or having competed as an Intermediate Senior, Open Senior, 2nd Year Lady or Advanced Lady and move on at their discretion
Advanced Ladies
Members aged 19 years and above and/or having competed as an Intermediate Senior, Open Senior, 2nd Year Lady or Extended Lady.
There is no progression from Advanced Ladies
Fees and Registration
In order to be a member of The Heights Physical Culture club, all students are required to register with the Edith Parsons School of Physical Culture.
Registration fees cover public liability, insurance, music royalties, school produced practice videos, and entry to individual and team competitions.
To register, please head over to the EP Physie website and follow the instructions.
EP Petites - ages 3 and 4 years
5 years and over
Class Fees
We break our year up into 3 terms. These terms follow the NSW school terms, with classes breaking for the April and July school holidays and continuing throughout the September/October school holidays.
Class fees cover venue hire, fundraising levy, club awards, and gifts.
2025 Term Dates
EP Petites
3 & 4 years
5 - 12 years
Teens and Ladies
13 - 16 years + Ladies
x 2 weekly classes
Term 1
12 February to 9 April
$ 45
$ 83
$ 110
Term 2
28 April to 2 July
$ 50
$ 70
$ 100
Term 3
21 July to 26 November
$ 95
$ 133
$ 190
$ 180
$ 270
$ 385
$ 155
$ 150
$ 270
$ 575